Our Impactful Results

Discover The Transformative Outcomes Achieved By The Going Live! Project, Shaping The Future Of European Seasonal Tourism Employment.

Explore Our Key Achievements!


The Going Live Training Course

A comprehensive training course designed to impart essential Digital, Green, and Entrepreneurial Skills. This course equips both seasonal workers and VET Centres (future tourism workers) with the knowledge to design and set up a website, produce live video presentations, set up webinar performances, master video-making techniques, harness the power of social media for promotion, conduct effective presentations on video, share skills with others, utilise entrepreneurial skills and techniques, establish payment options for subscription followers, and embrace sustainable practices in their work.

Available Courses:


The Going Live Platform

An innovative platform streamlining users’ online classes with features including live streaming capabilities, seamless registration process, pop-up tips for presenters, recording and editing functionalities, integration with YouTube and other social media platforms, diverse payment options (including the option for giveaways or presentations), and a rich variety of recipes and cocktail techniques to choose from. This platform will be seamlessly integrated into the project’s website. Explore the game-changing impact of these results on the seasonal tourism employment landscape.

Ready To Explore The Profound Results Of Going Live! And Join Us In Shaping The Future Of Seasonal Tourism Employment?